What is land restoration?

Land restoration is..

The practice of rehabilitating natural landscapes back to an environmental balance and / or productive use. These spaces have often been degraded through natural causes or human activity.

Why is land restoration important?

Since the degradation of the grasslands across the Great Plains, land over the west has been in steady decline. Once a sprawling ecosystem across the continent, this fundamental natural resource has been slowly abandoned as viability for production decreases. Revitalizing the grasslands is a vital tool for combating climate change and cultivating balance in our natural ecosystems. The long-term environmental restoration of this land will create value for neighboring communities and offer ecological stability for generations to come. Properly managed land restoration can offer reliable water, food, and revenue for local populations while empowering these individuals with the tools for sustainable land stewardship.

A few examples of restorative methods:

Agroforestry or agroecology

An increase in CO2 sequestering plant life grown in regenerative practice. Farmers can improve diversification of farm systems by planting trees or shrubs alongside rotating crops and mutually beneficial farm animals to support multi-crop yield and improve soil health.

Flood plain restoration

The rebuilding of floodplain areas to original conditions to reduce chances of flooding and improve water quality, often occurring in drained wetlands / marshes. Reducing runoff from nearby agriculture will also improve erosion in these areas.

Managed grazing

An introduction of species to grassland areas to cultivate healthy soil and organically grown grasses by moving herds across landscapes. Typically bovine animals like cattle or bison, their roaming habits facilitate topsoil formation and improve ecological balance.


The restocking of trees to depleted forests or woodlands, often in areas that have been cleared through deforestation. Forests are a significant carbon sink made up of complex ecosystems that support this carbon capture and the formation of biomass.

Regenerative agriculture

A conservation effect focused on reducing carbon emissions through a mix of food focused farming practices such as topsoil regeneration and permaculture. Limited or no-till practices are implemented to reduce soil disruption and improve the long term health of developing root systems.


A comprehensive conservation effort to reintroduce native plants and animals to vital wilderness environments. This might look like bringing in native keystone species to return balance to the original ecosystem.

Soil management

Healthy soil is the basis of almost all agriculture and the planet’s primary mechanism of carbon storage. Conservation of organic matter to prevent land degradation and improve topsoil will ensure ongoing land productivity. Planting a variety of different species within a field and setting up seasonal crop rotations allows the soil to maintain a healthy balance of minerals and microbes to nourish vibrant crops.

What are the effects of land restoration?

Carbon sequestration is a primary driver for land revitalization. Through restorative practices such as soil management, reforestation, renewable agriculture, and rewilding; improved soil health and high plant diversity greatly increase carbon capture. Facilitating soil carbon storage rates through thoughtful land management can reduce our collective carbon footprint and revitalize natural landscapes. Increasing organic soil matter leads to improved soil carbon sequestration and a push towards an important potential climate strategy.

The carbon cycle is constantly moving towards equilibrium — a mutual exchange of CO2 between the atmosphere and storage reservoirs that keeps biological processes viable on this planet. Getting more carbon into the soil and keeping it there for the long haul is in global best interest. There is a diverse range of solutions we must adopt to make this happen and do so sustainably.

The increased biodiversity through environmental restoration and commitment to soil health also contributes to improved water quality by reducing nitrate runoff, fewer invasive plant species fighting for resources, and reducing extinction risks by creating more stable habitats. Restorative land practices are specific to each unique landscape and should develop based on the needs of the surrounding area. A reintroduction of keystone species will look different depending on location as sustainable forest management will be appropriate only in certain environments.

Effective land restoration practices will include community stakeholders, local governments, and scientific partners early in the process to determine best outcomes. Facilitating mindful land stewardship, these community partners will set precedent for generational ecological relationships. Understanding the social landscape of a region will support long term development and inform decisions to protect biodiversity and maximize impact. Revitalization efforts are dynamic across individual landscapes and will continue to evolve through collaborative practices.

How does Farm participate in land restoration?

As land stewards, Farm's investment in land restoration begins by purchasing abandoned and / or degraded land parcels. Farm sees the potential in each unique landscape and finds partners best suited for every area. With a focus on wind + solar generation, water, rewilding, and carbon sequestration projects every Farm acre is intended to cultivate productive land everyone can support.

A few of our ongoing initiatives:

Solar farming

Previously degraded parcels of land can offer up enough acreage for large scale solar capture and a sustainable source for long-term renewable energy solutions. Implementing practices like agrivoltaics has the potential to mitigate several concerns related to growing food amidst an increasingly inhospitable climate and rapidly depleting fossil fuel supply.

Planting native grasses

This soil restoration initiative will increase organic matter found in topsoil and cultivate deeper root systems for other diverse plant life to thrive. Native grasses will also facilitate carbon capture through these root systems and return the Great Plains to a viable carbon sink.

Managed grazing

Using cattle to organically maintain the flora and native grasses will encourage balanced grazing and even distribution of fertilizer, improving carbon sequestration and enriched topsoil. These species will help maintain balance within each ecosystem, allowing other plants and animals to flourish.

Preserving wildlife for recreational use

Rewilding efforts will keep valuable landscapes intact, allowing for mindful eco-tourism. These natural spaces, which can be used for anything from camping and hiking to birding and fishing, are opportunities for sustainable land management. A shared love of nature is one of our best tools to preserve our natural resources.